registration and membership form

Creating a registration form with formican form builder

Build a free online registration form

Online registration form design

Certainly the most used forms on the Internet are the creation of registration forms and membership forms, most functional sites and sites related to acquisition And there are jobs, they need to register people for their activities, such as registration in training courses, registration in webinars and competitions > different and ... with Form Builder You can easily create registration and membership forms and place them on websites so that website users can easily fill out the registration form. and participate in various courses and competitions.

Create membership form

Do you need an online registration form?

Sample online registration and membership form

Form Builder Features

formican facilities has been provided to users to design and publish various forms for registration and membership. give.

Get membership fee:< /h3>

In the registration and membership forms, the relevant fee can be received from users after registering the form online, formican allows users to connection to payment portals directly and intermediately receive registration and membership fees online . For example, in the training workshop registration form, after receiving the information of the registrant, it is automatically connected to the banking portal and the cost of participating in the course is calculated and received according to the fields selected in the form or the fixed cost in the form. be.

Determining the start and end time of the exam

Register using authentication system:

By designing authentication forms, users can confirm their identity after registering and confirming the registration, for registering the next forms, by checking a series of entered information. The person's identity is checked to allow the person access to subsequent forms, using authentication system can be after registration in the form and the possibility toSign up link form The desired s are sent to the user so that he can register the desired forms after logging in.

Determining the start and end time of the exam

Personalization of membership forms:

using form registration templates and various fields in The form maker can design membership and registration forms suitable for your business Personalize it, determine the input information based on your needs and the images of the item Put your requirement in the form like collection logo or form display wallpaper

Determining the start and end time of the exam

Create smart forms:

if In your registration form, you need the information received from the user according to the fields to change the selected one, this task can be easily found using the form builder be, using Betting System You can receive intelligence information and based on the information received from the registrar, display the personal fields to him.

Get registrant's signature:

in Many forms must be signed by the registrant to register the information by the person himself be confirmed. If the registration or membership form you designed requires a signature By using the signature field, you can enter the registrant's signature Receive online and print the relevant documents if needed.

Sending SMS and email after confirming registration:

after registration Name or user membership can be in the face The need to automatically send your required messages according to the information entered in Send the form, you can also send a message after the registration is confirmed by the system administrator Appropriate using SMS or Email sent the form to the registrant.

Determining the start and end time of the exam

Building multi-step registration forms:

in If there is a lot of information received from the user, the fields for receiving can be changed He categorized the information placed in the form and each category in a step for The user displayed. Creating multi-step forms will help you categorize the received information and easily access the information when registering and viewing the form.

Determining the start and end time of the test

Registration time limit:

formican form builder allows to register the form Set time limits. For example, specify the start and end date of the registration and users can register only on the specified date. Also, if it is considered for the registration of an exam, the duration of participation in the exam can also be specified. Setup< /a> and bounded.

Determining the start and end time of the exam

Limiting the number of registrations in registration and membership forms:

If it is required that a certain number of people in each period can register, by using the form builder you can specify the maximum number of registration forms in a period of time and only accept people who have filled out the registration form earlier and prevent the registration of people who have registered after the capacity has been exhausted. Do it.

Print membership card online:

One ​​of the good features of formican form builder Templates Print By using these templates, you can create and print membership cards for users after registration or membership, also formican allows you to send these cards to registrants' email or After registering, he showed the form to the registrant so that he can have his membership or registration card.

Determining the start and end time of the exam

Creating types of registration and membership forms:

  • Competition registration form
  • Student Scientific Olympiad registration form
  • Registration form in the customer club
  • Registration form for the introductory software training course
  • Registration form in educational workshops
  • Sports club registration form
  • Registration form for lottery
  • Registration form for webinars
  • Membership form for book house
  • Customer club membership form
  • Membership form in ...
designing test question types

Form builder features for creating registration and membership forms

Creating an online test Create a test


What should be done to create an online registration form?

First, register in the online form maker software, then start designing the questions.< /p>

Is it possible to put the registration form on the site with a script?

Is there a sample registration form in formican form builder?

Is it free to use the registration form creation software?

Is it possible to print the information recorded in the form?

Is it possible to verify the identity of the registrants?

 frequently asked questions of registration form builder